# Description

You can assign a deprecation reason with parameters via all GraphQL field decorators (@Field, @InputField, ...). However, if you want to add a common deprecation reason for all types, or all fields, it is more convenient to go to @Deprecated.

# Using @Deprecated

User type and UserInput will have the same reason for deprecation:

@Deprecated("Type deprecated")
class User {
  @Description("Field deprecated")
  username: string;

# Use of deprecation in a distinct way

This is done via the parameters of the element decorators

ObjectType({ deprecationReason: "User object deprecated" })
@InputType("UserInput", { deprecationReason: "User input deprecated" })
class User {
  ObjectField({ deprecationReason: "User object field deprecated" })
  InputField({ deprecationReason: "User input field deprecated" })
  username: string;