# Enum type

There are enum types in GraphQL, however these do not support decorators with TypeScript. This implies that you have to use an alternative way of declaring them to graphql-compose.

# The creator of EnumType

Using the EnumType class provided by graphql-composer you can create a GraphQL enum type by passing your enum TypeScript as a parameter.

# Type declaration

In the first parameter you have to give the name of the GraphQL type and in the second the enum.

import { EnumType } from "graphql-compose";

enum Animal {
  CAT = 1,
  COW = 2,

const animalEnum = EnumType.create("AnimalEnum", Animal)

# Use of type

To type your TypeScript class fields you'll use Animal and for GraphQL fields it will be the variable animalEnum that will be used.

class User {
  @Field(type => animalEnum)
  pet: Animal